Server Network Specs News

Announcing irc-go v0.1.0

19 Jan 2022

We’re pleased to announce the first tagged release of irc-go, our IRC library and bot framework. While we’re not ready to commit to full API stability, we envision this as a significant milestone towards that goal. Any API breaks from this point will be clearly documented.

For the changelog, see our GitHub page:

You can install the release in your Go project using go get The expected go.sum lines are: v0.1.0 h1:jBHUayERH9SiPOWe4ePDWRztBjIQsU/jwLbbGUuiOWM= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:2vi7KNpIPWnReB5hmLpl92eMywQvuIeIIGdt/FQCph0=